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Director of Research , CNRS

Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas has been working  over the last 30 years on local  and indigenous knowledge to explore human-nature interactions. She has an ethnoecological perspective that links ecology and anthropology. Her field activities are based on co-constructions with local communities and synergies between local and scientific knowledge. She worked in diverse world's biomes in tropical forests, the high Himalayas and the Mediterranean region. She is involved in the dialogue between science and policy, especially at IPBES. She currently co-directs the BioDivMeX programme of the CNRS on Mediterranean biodiversity, in which her work relates to agroecosystems and agrobiodiversity of the Mediterranean region. Engaged in conservation of biodiversity, she collaborated with local partners and stakeholders and is a member of the IUCN Species Specialist Commission.

🗓️  3-11 SEPTEMBER 2021
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Speaking at:

Date Time/Room Title Features Session type Themes
Saturday 04 September 16:45 - 17:30
Virtual Channel 1
Climate change and biodiversity interlinkages: From science-policy assessments to action
Thematic Stream Session
Climate change
Knowledge, innovation and technology
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